Petronet LNG Limited, as a responsible Corporate Citizen undertakes Socio-Economic Development
Projects/Programmes to meet priority needs of the community with an aim to help them become self-reliant. These efforts are generally undertaken around its work centres mostly in the areas of Education, Rural Infrastructure, Healthcare, Sports & Culture, Entrepreneurship, etc. Petronet LNG Foundation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Petronet LNG Limited, was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on 31st March 2017, in terms of the provisions of Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereafter, to carry out CSR initiatives as per Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. Petronet LNG Foundation facilitates Petronet LNG Limited to comply with the provision of Section 135 of the Act and provides flexibility to carry out defined CSR activities in a well-structured manner.
