Immensely happy to announce that Raheja Developers was selected for 3rd Annual Greentech CSR award- 2013 in silver category during 14th annual Greentech Environment and CSR conference on 29th January at JW marriot Hotel, Chandigarh. The awards were presented to companies/ units demonstrating highest level of commitment to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) covering of all sectors of industry and services sector who demonstrate highest level of commitment and best practice. The awards aim to recognize exemplary operations, systems and the evidence of their impact to business vitality. Greentech Foundation awards serve as a catalyst to understanding the intrinsic value of CSR in business excellence and sustainability.

The award was received by Sanjana Rana, Sr. Manager, Raheja Developers from the hands of Mr. Bhaskar Chatterji IAS, DG & CEO Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Mr. Kamleshwar Sharan, President Greentech foundation.
Greentech Foundation Award is a unique form of benchmarking the stringent quality standards, credibility and honoring the proactive practices of the awardees enhancing their esteem and global stature. It aims at dissemination of knowledge, encourage use of eco-friendly products. Advancing the scientific, technical and practical aspects of waste management to safeguard the environment including Clean Technology, Energy Efficiency and climate change. It promotes innovative use of technology in conservation of energy, scarce materials and natural resources.