Return on Investment (ROI)

s not possible on all investments. One such investment is Safety. It is immoral to think of ROI on sort of investment on safety, observed former Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra recently.
While addressing a gathering of luminaries from India and the US at the just concluded 18th Annual Genentech Occupational Health, Safety and Disaster Management Conference held in New Delhi, former Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra said, “The term RoI (return on investment) is immoral and unethical in the context of maintenance of safety and disaster management.”
Accidents hurt, safety doesn’t. Knowing how much an injury cost is vital before thinking ROI of safety. Knowing how safety is important both to workers, management, law enforcement authorities and society at large is equally important before one thinks of Return on Investment, he observed
Safety is a good practice, good image, good business. Sound and effective safety practices are both socially responsible and make good business sense. The organizations that invest in occupational safety and health experience a return on investment (ROI). The return will come from Positive public image, compliance with regulations earns them a good name, can save on money by losing man-hours, can save cost as accidents cause a lot of financial burdens. It also helps increase in occupation efficiency and improves employee satisfaction. It will help in recruiting and retaining talent.
Some Government PSUs, Private Organizations and individuals were given away awards for the excellence in safety ma
nagement. Some of the award-winning organizations include: ONGC, Godrej Construction Project, HPCL, Adani
Awards were also presented to individuals and safety experts HSE(Occupation Health and Environment) experts in their individuals capacity forging beyond their call of duty in ensuring safety for themselves, their colleagues and safety environment and workplace for all.
Many Speakers and Safety experts, Occupational Safety professional from India and the US spoke on key health and safety issues. Some of the key Speakers included: Lalit R Gabhane, Director General, National Safety Council; BiswarupBasu, Chief General Manager-Safety, NTPC Ltd.; H.M. Gangopadhyay, Sr. Consultant – HSE, NTPC Ltd.; Abhay Pathak, Lead Assessor, NNABCB and others
.Kamleshwar Sharan, Chairman & CEO, Greentech Foundation; RK Dubey, Chief Advisor, Greentech Foundation, former CMD Canara Bank; Manoj K Bindal, executive director, NIDM; and Lev Pobrisky, Senior Director (Safety), Pepsico, USA, Vedprakash Mahaver, Advisor Greentech Foundation and Former Director, ONGC Ltd also spoke on the importance of safety and its various aspects at the work place.